This story comes from a land consumed by nature and forgotten by time. It is the year of the land 1080 and the scepter Shadowveil has gone missing from the kingdom Eldwigburg. Blame immediately falls on its neighbor, the non-militaristic kingdom of Cynburga. The untrained subjects of this peaceful realm are soon forced into battle to protect their lands. Amongst the volunteer army is Immin Ranig, the eldest son of a wealthy farmer and heir to the Ranig’s farm and fortune.

​Theodulf Ranig is Immin’s brother. He is in the last years of his apprenticeship to become a Champion of Cynburga; an elite class ofwarriors charged with protection of both King and kingdom. When Theodulf discovers that his older brother has been wounded in battle, he and his four friends set out on a journey to determine Immin’s fate.

Little do they realize that this small quest is only the first step of a much larger, much more dangerous adventure than any of them anticipate. The future of Cynburga will soon be determined by the survival of these five friends as they face off against heartless thieves, vicious animals, and battle-hardened soldiers to bring back proof of an un-believable truth that they hope will end the war.
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